Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)
Feature image | One single endometrial mesenchymal stem
cell attaches to and interacts with nanofibres at nanoscale.
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)
POP is a hidden condition. While the injury happens mostly during childbirth, the patient may not know about the damage until many years later, often during menopause.
There is no reliable cure for pelvic organ prolapse. Hudson Institute researchers are striving to discover an effective, safe treatment option for the many women who are suffering in silence.
What is pelvic organ prolapse?
Pelvic organ prolapse symptoms
Pelvic organ prolapse stages
Pelvic organ prolapse treatment
Our pelvic organ prolapse (POP) research
Hudson Institute researchers are committed to finding new treatments for those affected by pelvic organ prolapse.
In a world-first approach, Hudson Institute scientists are using adult stem cells (mesenchymal stem cells) from the lining of a woman’s own uterus engineered with biodegradable materials to develop safe, effective treatments for pelvic organ prolapse. They have dedicated more than ten years to find a safe and effective treatment option for POP and are pioneering world-first treatment approaches.
Initially the team worked with CSIRO to develop a new flexible non-degradable mesh to support the vagina and deliver endometrial mesenchymal stem cells. This tissue engineering construct significantly improved the outcome in pre-clinical models. As a result of this work, the team is focusing on a new degradable biocompatible material that provides a good healing.
Keep up-to-date with our critical pelvic organ prolapse research via our POP newsletter.
New pelvic organ prolapse treatment – nanostructured and 3D bioprinted cellular surgical constructs
This project is investigating a new pelvic organ prolapse treatment using regenerative medicine – a cell-based therapy delivered in degradable biomaterial constructs. The team are examining the effect of using these constructs as surgical implants.
Team | Dr Shayanti Mukherjee, Professor Caroline Gargett, Dr Saeedeh Darzi, Professor Jerome Werkmeister
Preparing endometrial mesenchymal stem cells for clinical treatment
Preventing pelvic organ prolapse by treating vaginal injury
Pelvic organ prolapse news
Pelvic organ prolapse collaborators
- Pelvic Floor Unit, Monash Health
- Monash University
- Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, UK
Explore our pelvic organ prolapse labs
Support for people with pelvic organ prolapse
Our scientists cannot provide medical advice.
If you would like to find out more information about pelvic organ prolapse (POP), please visit
- Continence Foundation of Australia
- International Urogynecology
- Jean Hailes
- Birth Trauma
- Women’s health for female researchers | Hudson Institute – YouTube
- Babytalk : Prolapse
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