Dr Kallyanashis Paul is a member of the Translational Tissue Engineering Research group in The Ritchie Centre.

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Dr Kallyanashis Paul is a member of the Translational Tissue Engineering Research group in The Ritchie Centre.

Areas of interest

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)

Research group

Translational Tissue Engineering


Dr Kallyanashis Paul is a post-doctoral researcher in the Translational Tissue Engineering lab. Dr Paul received his PhD from Monash University in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He demonstrated a versatile bio-manufacturing skill set learned through his bachelor’s study in Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh followed by industrial work experience (5 years+) and a master’s study in Regenerative Bone Tissue Engineering (South Korea). So far, he reported 7 distinct prototypes to solve some critical health burdens for the aged people including pelvic organ prolapse (POP), osteoporosis, and large segmental bone defect. His PhD research demonstrated the world’s first proof of concept of developing customised therapeutics for treating POP at its earlier and chronic stage, which was nominated in the finalist round under the clinical researcher category of the Prestigious Victorian Premier’s Awards for Health and Medical Research. He received a Veski (Victoria) fellowship to augment his translational research skill in 3D printing.

His current research focuses on cross-disciplinary tissue engineering treatments for POP involving 3D printing of degradable polymers and therapeutic cells to embed physical/topographic cues such as angular orientation or pore size to direct the cellular function favourably. Additionally, he is interested in improving the repeatability and scalability of the research work to outreach the clinical translation towards a social impact.

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