Preterm birth

Preterm birth is the single greatest cause of death and disability in children.  About one million babies die each year due to complications from preterm birth and many who survive face long-term health problems.

What is preterm birth?

How common is preterm birth?

Medical advances

Preterm baby complications

Treatment for premature babies

Long term effects of preterm birth

Our preterm birth research

Hudson Institute researchers and their collaborators are investigating ways to prevent, reduce and treat complications related to preterm birth. This important work aims to improve the function and potential of underdeveloped organs, such as the lung and brain, and in turn improve the child’s long-term prognosis.

View Video | Professors Claudia and Marcel Nold discuss preterm birth

Improving aeration of the lung at birth for preterm infants.

Professor Stuart HooperPreclinical studies and Clinical trials. Professor Stuart Hooper and his team aim to optimise the initial care of preterm infants immediately after delivery to support them as they commence life after birth.

The very first challenge they face is to aerate their lungs so that they can commence air breathing. However, the big challenge for doctors is how do they assist infants to aerate their lungs without injuring them as this can lead to life-long complications.

In collaboration with Monash Health clinicians, they are investigating how respiratory support given to premature infants can be optimised by, improving non-invasive support and by identifying techniques to stimulate preterm infants to breathe.

Team | Professor Stuart Hooper AM, Dr Doug Blank, Dr Kelly Crossley, Dr Robert Galinsky

Improving breathing in newborns exposed to inflammation

Developing new anti-cytokine therapies for preventing brain injury in the preterm infant

Monitoring preterm babies’ brain oxygen levels

Anakinra clinical trial

Treating preterm inflammation induced brain injury

Preterm birth collaborators

Support for people with preterm birth

Hudson Institute scientists cannot provide medical advice.
Find out more about preterm birth.

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