Testing Novel Therapies for Neonatal Seizures

Research area

 |  newborn health


 |  Neonatal seizures, brain injury, newborn, brain activity, histopathology


 |  Honours, Masters

Project description

Despite advances in neonatal medicine, there remains a significant gap in the research surrounding the treatment of neonatal seizures. While traditional antiepileptic drugs are often utilized, their efficacy and safety in the neonatal population are not well-established, and concerns regarding adverse effects persist. Additionally, the underlying mechanisms and etiologies of neonatal seizures vary widely, presenting a challenge for developing targeted therapies. Moreover, the limited availability of randomized controlled trials specifically focusing on neonatal seizures and the ethical complexities associated with conducting research in this vulnerable population further exacerbate the gap. There is a critical need for innovative approaches, including the development of novel therapies tailored to the unique pathophysiology of neonatal seizures, as well as rigorous clinical trials to evaluate their efficacy, safety, and long-term outcomes. Bridging this gap is essential to improve the management and prognosis of neonates affected by seizures, ultimately reducing the burden of neurodevelopmental disabilities associated with this condition.
We will investigate the effects of novel anti-epileptics given at the onset of seizure in term fetal sheep caused by hypoxia ischemia. This project will utilise our established fetal sheep model, with state-of-the-art monitoring equipment to investigate brain activity and brain histopathology.