Found 87 results for diabetes

  • Scientists discover new pathways controlling deadly inflammation

    Inflammation is an important response to infection or injury, but needs to be carefully controlled as too much inflammation can cause conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s……  Read more

  • How does your diet before and during pregnancy affect your child?

    …gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and blood clots. They are also more likely to require a caesarean section and have longer hospital stays after delivery. Antepartum care Antepartum care refers to the……  Read more

    Dr Emily Camm is a Senior Research Scientist at Hudson Institute
  • NHMRC Project Grant success

    …2 diabetes are among the fastest growing chronic conditions in Australia and globally. This project aims to identify how different forms of cell death contribute to tissue inflammation and the……  Read more

    Our researchers have been awarded nine NHMRC Project Grants and one ARC Discovery Grant totalling $9.8 million.
  • A new class of anti-inflammatory could take the STING out of disease

    …shock Hepatitis B Type 2 diabetes Acute pancreatitis Age dependent macular degeneration Sickle cell disease Overnutrition-induced obesity. Key points The molecule Genistein is found in soy products. It’s already used……  Read more

    Associate Professor Michael Gantier's soy-sourced anti-inflammatory research takes the STING out of disease.
  • RNA boost for autoimmune disease

    …type 1 diabetes. There is no cure for autoimmune diseases to date. Current treatments that manage signs and symptoms include predominately broad-acting immunosuppressants, which tend to have deleterious side-effects. Therefore,……  Read more

    Associate Professor Michael Gantier has been awarded a new grant to research further into RNA-based treatments for autoimmune diseases.
  • Key to immune system inflammation discovery

    …disease,” said A/Prof Ashley Mansell co-author of the study published in Nature Communication. “This includes heart, lung, brain and infectious diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic kidney, liver and autoimmune diseases….…  Read more

    Associate Professor Ashley Mansell and Dr Dan Gough at Hudson Intitute
  • RNA – changing the face of modern medicine

    …of conditions, from lupus, inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes to psoriasis. There is also the potential for mRNA vaccines that are cheaper to produce and carry fewer side effects. READ……  Read more

    Dr Natália Sampaio, Associate Professor Michael Gantier at Hudson Institute.
  • US President Donald Trump has COVID-19 and is on a cocktail of experimental drugs. What does this mean for his health?

    …this virus that in people of older age, in people who have underlying heart disease or co morbidities, like diabetes, or they are overweight, or male gender, they’re much more……  Read more

    Professor Elizabeth Hartland, director, CEO, Hudson Institute of Medical Research