Researchers awarded Ferring Innovation Grants

By Hudson Institute communications

Two Hudson Institute researchers have been awarded 2018-19 Ferring Innovation Grants.

Dr Fiona Cousins was named among eight international researchers, with this year’s Ferring Innovation Grants.
Dr Fiona Cousins

Dr Fiona Cousins and Dr Tracey Edgell were named among eight international researchers, with this year’s program focused on reproductive medicine, women’s health and more.

The grants attracted a record number of applications, with those selected considered to be at the cutting edge of innovation in their respective fields.

Dr Cousins was acknowledged for her study, New treatment of endometriosis in a preclinical model.

Her research focuses on endometrial function at the time of menstruation, specifically how menstrual fragments can form lesions in the peritoneal cavity of women with endometriosis.

“The long-term goal of my research is to develop a new, therapeutic for endometriosis. Therefore, reducing disease burden for millions of women worldwide,” Dr Cousins said.

“The support from Ferring Pharmaceuticals will enable pre-clinical testing, taking us one step closer to reaching this goal.”

Dr Tracey Edgell was also rewarded for her study.
Dr Tracey Edgell

Dr Edgell was rewarded for her study, A novel non-hormonal therapeutic path for improving pregnancy success rates.

Her work aims to uncover ways to help women whose infertility cannot be explained.

The study examines the role of the microenvironment within the uterus, identifying factors that may underpin infertility.

“One in six couples suffer infertility and seek medical assistance to start their family,” Dr Edgell said.

“Assisted reproduction has a success rate of just 28 per cent and many women will remain childless despite many cycles of IVF treatment.”

Dr Edgell said the grant will go towards investigating those factors.

President of the Ferring Research Institute, Keith James, praised all the recent recipients, saying the quality of submissions were outstanding.

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