7 related news articles for

  • Prestigious Lalor Foundation Fellowship awarded

    Congratulations to Dr Elly Jarred, a Postdoctoral Scientist in the Germ Cell Development and Epigenetics Lab headed by Associate Professor Patrick Western, who has just been awarded the prestigious Lalor Foundation Fellowship worth US$55,000. …  Read more

    ,Dr Elly Jarred CRH Postdoctoral Scientist, awarded prestigious Lalor Foundation Fellowship
  • Gene link to female infertility

    Loss of a single gene could be enough to cause female infertility, with new research identifying the crucial role it plays in egg production.…  Read more

    Professor Vincent Harley researching at Hudson Institute
  • Life as an explorer: mentors in science

    In 2022, 176 Honours, Masters and PhD students were mentored by senior scientists at Hudson Institute. Here, PhD candidate Ellen Jarred and her supervisor, Associate Professor Patrick Western, share their research and the role of mentorship in science. …  Read more

    L-R: Ellen Jarred and Associate Professor Patrick Western at Hudson Institute
  • NHMRC Project Grant success

    Hudson Institute has had excellent success in the recent NHMRC and ARC Grant rounds.…  Read more

    Our researchers have been awarded nine NHMRC Project Grants and one ARC Discovery Grant totalling $9.8 million.
  • Researchers awarded Ferring Innovation Grants

    Two Hudson Institute researchers have been awarded 2018-19 Ferring Innovation Grants. Dr Fiona Cousins and Dr Tracey Edgell were named among eight international researchers, with this year’s program focused on reproductive medicine, women’s health and more. The grants attracted a record number of applications, with those selected considered to be at the cutting edge of…  Read more

    Dr Fiona Cousins from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Sugar ‘by-product’ link to womb, pregnancy health uncovered

    A woman’s pre-pregnancy diet could have a greater impact on fertility and pregnancy than previously thought, according to new research by Hudson Institute of Medical Research scientists. The study found that certain proteins, which become ‘toxic’ after exposure to sugar, trigger inflammation in the womb in infertile women with obesity. This may reduce the likelihood…  Read more

    Dr Jemma Evans at Hudson Institute
  • Stunning NHMRC Grant success

    Hudson Institute has had outstanding success in the recent NHMRC Project Grant round. In addition, our researchers have been awarded an NHMRC Partnership Grant, an NHMRC Development Grant, an ARC Discovery Grant and three NMHRC Fellowships.…  Read more

    Professor Marcel Nold and A/Professor Claudia Nold from Hudson Institute of Medical Research