Professor Rosemary Horne receives international recognition

By Hudson Institute communications

Congratulations to Professor Rosemary Horne, who has received the Distinguished Researcher Award for 2018 at the meeting of the International Society for the Study and Prevention of Infant and Neonatal Death in Glasgow last week.

Professor Rosemary Horne and Peter Blair, Chair of ISPID - Prof Horne has received the Distinguished Researcher Award for 2018.
Professor Rosemary Horne and Peter Blair, Chair of ISPID

The award is made for outstanding contributions to research in the area of sudden unexpected death in infancy research as evidenced by the awardee’s international reputation in the area and publications in the field over a number of years.

“Personally and professionally this means a tremendous amount to me as it acknowledges my contribution to understanding the mechanisms which make a baby more vulnerable to SIDS,” Prof Horne says.

Prof Horne is head of the Fetal and Neonatal Research Health Research Group. Her research focuses on sleep in infants and children.

“My current projects are investigating mechanisms involved in the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), development of cardio-respiratory control in preterm infants and the effects of sleep disordered breathing on daytime performance and the cardiovascular system in children,” she says.

Since 1998, 14 people have been given this award and Prof Horne was the only person awarded this honour this year.

Prof Horne has an international reputation in her field and is the Chair of the Physiology working group of the International Society for the Study and Prevention of Infant Deaths, Secretary of the International Paediatric Sleep Association, immediate past Chair of the National Scientific Advisory Group of Red Nose (formerly SIDS and Kids) and is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Sleep Research, Sleep and Sleep Medicine.

Prof Horne said she is extremely proud to be part of the leading paediatric sleep research group in Australasia (and second in the world) in terms of publications. Prof Horne has published more than 170 papers, and successfully supervised 15 PhD students and over 40 honours students.

“I would like to acknowledge my students and postdoctoral fellows who have worked with me on this research which underpins safe infant sleeping guidelines both in Australia and internationally,” she says.

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